IFSI News and Navigator Stories
Know Your Rights
Know Your Rights: Family Preparedness
Know your Rights
The artwork for printing your cards can be found below. These are formatted as standard 3.5” by 2” business cards. Any print or copy shop should be able to work from these files. Translated versions are designed to support monolingual immigrants who translate their rights with immigration officers. We strongly recommend printing these with rounded corners and a coated finish for durability. You can also print them on your printer
Print Your Own:
Know Your Rights
Empowering Haitian Immigrants to Navigate Legal Rights and Resilience
Strength in Solidarity
Boston Rally elevates voices against attacks on Haitian Immigrants
TPS and Work Permit Clinic in Georgia
A milestone event for Haitian Immigrant support
IFSI-USA Summer Program Celebration
Unprecedented success crowned by support from the City of Boston
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Navigator Stories
Navigator Stories are the experiences immigrants share with IFSI staff through interviews and from which other immigrants gain inspiration, lessons and tips about how to navigate the perilous journey and US integration process. These stories also educate a broader US public including educators, students, policy makers and service providers. Every few weeks a new story is published on the IFSI Blog. Thank you for reading — and for welcoming newcomers to our communities!”
- Dr. Geralde Gabeau, Founder & Executive Director.